Jamie Seibert
I'm a wife, professional fashion designer, self-proclaimed geek, world travelor dog lover, wino, foodie, and above all - crafter! My heroes include Anthony Bourdain, J.K. Rowling, and Aunt Peaches (auntpeaches.com). I have an unhealthy obsession with gorgeous paper and prints. Glitter is not just a pretty thing, it's a way of life.
I have been crafting since I was a little girl. It gives me a hands-on, messy creative outlet that my career doesn't allow. I sit at a computer all day at work so to go home and create something out of fabric or paper just makes me happy. When I get the inspiration for a new project, you can't stop me! I can commonly be found with hot glue in my hair and paint smeared across my nose.
I created my blog, See You There!, because I wanted to share my designs with the world. It serves as a running tab on my personal craft projects at home as well as my ideas and inspirations I find along the way. There's always something new and fun to share!
Jamie's Project on AllFreeHolidayCrafts:
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