Santa Baby Suit


Have a holly, jolly Christmas and spread the festive mood with this Santa Baby Suit. This free knitting pattern makes a Santa-suit cardigan for babies, with specific instructions for ages six months through two years. This baby sweater pattern also has instructions for how to knit the white trim and, most importantly, the iconic black buckled belt. These instructions also have a pattern for a knitted baby hat, so your child can fully look the part.

Santa Baby Suit


  • RED HEART® Anne Geddes Baby™: 1 (1, 2) ball(s) 902 Ladybug Color A, 1 (1, 1) ball 100 Lily Color B, 1 (1, 1) ball 112 Night-Night Color C, 1 (1, 1) ball 226 Bumble Color  D
  • Susan Bates® Knitting Needles: 3.75mm [US 5]
  • Removable stitch markers
  • Stitch holder
  • 4 buttons
  • 2 black snap fasteners
  • Sewing needle and matching thread
  • Yarn needle


Cardigan Back, Lower Fur Trim:

  1. With B, cast on 52 (58, 66) sts.
  2. Work in Garter st (knit every row) for 14 (16, 18) rows.

Cardigan Back, Lower Body:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Beginning with a wrong side (purl) row, work in Stockinette st (knit on right side, purl on wrong side) until piece measures about 2½ (3, 4)” (6.5 (7.5, 10) cm)  from beginning, end with a right side row.

Cardigan Back, Belt:

  1. Change to C.
  2. Next Row (wrong side): Purl.
  3. Work in Seed st for 17 rows.
  4. Next Row (wrong side): Purl.

Cardigan Back, Upper Body:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Work in Stockinette st until piece measures 10½ (11½, 13)” (26.5 (29, 33) cm) from beginning.
  3. Bind off.

Santa Baby Suit - Back

Cardigan Front Right, Lower Fur Trim:

  1. With B, cast on 31 (35, 39) sts.
  2. Work in Garter st for 13 (15, 17) rows.
  3. Next Row (right side): K6 for front band, place marker, knit to end of row.

Cardigan Front Right, Lower Body:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Next Row (wrong side): Purl to marker, slip marker, purl to end of row.
  3. Next Row: Purl to marker, slip marker, knit to end of row. Repeat last 2 rows until piece measures about 2½ (3, 4)” (6.5 (7.5, 10) cm) from beginning, end with a right side row. Remove front band marker.

Cardigan Front Right, Belt:

  1. Change to C.
  2. Next Row (wrong side): Purl. Work in Seed st for 17 rows.
  3. Next Row (wrong side): Purl to last 6 sts, place marker, p6 for front band.

Cardigan Front Right, Upper Body:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Next Row (right side): Knit to marker, slip marker, knit to end of row.
  3. Next Row: Purl to marker, slip marker, knit to end of row.
  4. Repeat last 2 rows until piece measures 8½ (9½, 11)” (21.5 (24, 28) cm) from beginning, end with a wrong side row. Remove front band marker.

Cardigan Front Right, Shape Neck:

  1. Row 1 (right side): Bind off 9 (10, 11) sts, knit to end of row—22 (25, 28) sts. Purl.
  2. Row 3: Bind off 2 sts, knit to end of row —20 (23, 26) sts. Purl.
  3. Row 5: Bind off 1 st, knit to end of row—19 (22, 25) sts.
  4. Repeat last 2 rows 3 (4, 5) more times—16 (18, 20) sts.
  5. Work even in Stockinette st until piece measures same as back. Bind off.
  6. Place 4 markers across right front band for button placement, as follows: Place one marker centered in lower body
  7. (A-colored) section. Place three markers in upper body (A-colored) section, placing one ¾” (19 mm) below beginning of neck shaping, another ¾” (19 mm) above belt, and the last centered between the other two.

Santa Baby Suit - Right Front

Cardigan Front Left, Lower Fur Trim:

  1. With B, cast on 31 (35, 39) sts.
  2. Work in Garter st for 14 (16, 18) rows.

Cardigan Front Left, Lower Body:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Next Row (wrong side): P6, place marker, purl to end of row.
  3. Next Row: Knit to marker, slip marker, purl to end of row.
  4. Next Row: Purl to marker, slip marker, purl to end of row.
  5. Repeat last 2 rows until piece measures same as right front to first button placement marker, end with a right side row. Do not remove the button placement marker.
  6. Buttonhole Row (wrong side): P2, p2tog, yo, p2, slip marker, purl to end of row.
  7. Next Row: Knit to marker, slip marker, purl to end of row.
  8. Next Row: Purl to marker, slip marker, purl to end of row.
  9. Repeat last 2 rows until piece measures about 2½ (3, 4)” (6.5 (7.5, 10) cm) from beginning, end with a right side row. Remove front band marker.

Cardigan Front Left, Belt:

  1. Change to C.
  2. Row 1 (wrong side): Cast on 13 (15, 17) sts, purl to end of row – 44 (50, 56) sts.
  3. Row 2: Work in Seed st.
  4. Row 3: Cast on 2 sts, work in Seed st to end of row—46 (52, 58) sts.
  5. Rows 4 and 5: Repeat Rows 2 and 3—48 (54, 60) sts.
  6. Row 6: Work in Seed st.
  7. Row 7: Cast on 1 st, work in Seed st to end of row—49 (55, 61) sts.
  8. Rows 8 and 9: Repeat Rows 6 and 7—50 (56, 62) sts.
  9. Row 10: Work in Seed st.
  10. Row 11: Bind off 1 st, work in Seed st to end of row—49 (55, 61) sts.
  11. Row 12: Work in Seed st.
  12. Rows 13 and 14: Repeat Rows 10 and 11—48 (54, 60) sts.
  13. Row 15: Bind off 2 sts, work in Seed st to end of row—46 (52, 58) sts.
  14. Row 16: Work in Seed st.
  15. Rows 17 and 18: Repeat Rows 15 and 16—44 (50, 56) sts.
  16. Row 19: Bind off 13 (15, 17) sts, purl to end of row—31 (35, 39) sts.

Cardigan Front Left, Upper Body:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Row 1 (right side): Knit to last 6 sts for front band, place marker, knit to end of row.
  3. Row 2: Knit to marker, slip marker, purl to end of row.
  4. Row 3: Knit to marker, slip marker, knit to end of row.
  5. Repeat last 2 rows until piece measures same as right front to next button placement marker, end with a wrong side row. Do not remove the button placement marker.
  6. Buttonhole Row (right side): Knit to marker, slip marker, k1, k2tog, yo, k3.
  7. Repeat from Row 2 two more times (until all 3 buttonholes have been made in upper body section).
  8. Repeat Rows 2 and 3 until piece measures about 8½ (9½, 11)” (21.5 (24, 28) cm) from beginning, end with a right side row. Remove front band marker.

Cardigan Front Left, Shape Neck:

  1. Row 1 (wrong side): Bind off 9 (10, 11) sts, purl to end of row—22 (25, 28) sts.
  2. Row 2: Knit.
  3. Row 3: Bind off 2 sts, purl to end of row—20 (23, 26) sts.
  4. Row 4: Knit.
  5. Row 5: Bind off 1 st, purl to end of row—19 (22, 25) sts.
  6. Repeat last 2 rows 3 (4, 5) more times—16 (18, 20) sts.
  7. Work even in Stockinette st until piece measures same as back.
  8. Bind off.

Santa Baby Suit - left front


  1. With B, cast on 34 (38, 42) sts.

Sleeves, Fur Cuff:

  1. Work in Garter st for 14 (16, 18) rows.

Sleeves, Body of Sleeve:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Row 1 (wrong side): Purl.
  3. Increase Row: K1, M1, knit to last st, M1, k1—36 (40, 44) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 3 rows.
  4. Repeat Increase Row—38 (42, 46) sts.
  5. Repeat last 4 rows 4 (6, 5) more times—46(54, 56) sts.
  6. Next Row (wrong side): Purl.
  7. Repeat Increase Row—48 (56, 58) sts.
  8. Repeat last 2 rows 0 (1, 3) more times—48 (58, 64) sts.
  9. Work even in Stockinette st until piece measures about 5½ (6¼, 7)” (14 (16, 18) cm) from beginning. Bind off.

Santa Baby Suit - Sleeve

Belt Buckle:

  1. With D, cast on 15 sts.
  2. Work in Garter st for 7 rows.
  3. Next Row (right side): K5, place remaining 10 sts on holder—5 sts.
  4. Working over 5 sts remaining on needle only, work in Garter st for 18 rows. Place these 5 sts on holder. Cut yarn.
  5. Next Row (right side): Working over first 10 sts placed on holder, rejoin D and bind off next 5 sts (at center of buckle), k5—5 sts. Working over 5 sts on needle only, work in Garter st for 18 rows.
  6. Next Row (wrong side): K5, cast on 5 sts, knit across 5 sts remaining on holder—15 sts. Work in Garter st for 7 rows. Bind off.
  7. Sew shoulder seams.


  1. With right side facing and A, leaving tops of front bands free, pick up and k18 (20, 22) sts across right front neck edge, 20 (22, 26) sts across back neck, 18 (20, 22) across left front neck edge—56 (62, 70) sts.
  2. Work in Garter st until collar measures about 2 (2½, 3)” (5 (6.5, 7.5) cm). Bind off.

Finishing Cardigan:

  1. Place markers on side edges about 4¼ (5¼, 5¾)” (11 (13.5, 14.5) cm) down from shoulder seams (on both back and fronts).
  2. Center top of one sleeve between markers on one side and sew in place. Repeat to sew 2nd sleeve to other side.
  3. Sew side and sleeve seams.
  4. Sew buttons to right front band at markers.
  5. Remove button placement markers. With sewing needle and thread, sew one piece of black snap fastener to underside of belt along top edge of point.
  6. Sew one piece of 2nd black snap fastener to underside of belt along lower edge of point.
  7. Sew other pieces of black snap fasteners to belt, aligning with underside snap pieces.
  8. Sew belt buckle to belt along center and side edges. Weave in ends.



  1. With B, cast on 84 (92) sts.

Hat, Fur Band:

  1. Work in Garter st (knit every row) for 16 rows.

Hat, Body of Hat:

  1. Change to A.
  2. Row 1 (wrong side): [P12 (10), M1P] 6 (8) times, purl to end of row—90 (100) sts.
  3. Work even in Stockinette st (knit on right side, purl on wrong side) until piece measures about 4½ (5)” (11.5 (12.5) cm) from beginning, end with a wrong side row.

Hat, Shape Top of Hat:

  1. Decrease Row 1 (right side): K7, *k2tog, k8; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—81 (90) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 5 rows.
  2. Decrease Row 2: K6, *k2tog, k7; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—72 (80) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 5 rows.
  3. Decrease Row 3: K5, *k2tog, k6; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—63 (70) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 7 rows.
  4. Decrease Row 4: K4, *k2tog, k5; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—54 (60) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 7 rows.
  5. Decrease Row 5: K3, *k2tog, k4; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—45 (50) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 9 rows.
  6. Decrease Row 6: K2, *k2tog, k3; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—36 (40) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 9 rows.
  7. Decrease Row 7: K1, *k2tog, k2; repeat from * to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1—27 (30) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 9 rows.
  8. Decrease Row 8: *k2tog, k1; repeat from * to end of row—18 (20) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 5 rows
  9. Decrease Row 9: *K2tog; repeat from * to end of row—9 (10) sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 5 rows.
  10. Size Toddler Only: Next Decrease Row: K4, k2tog, k4—9 sts. Work even in Stockinette st for 5 rows.
  11. Both Sizes: Next Decrease Row: [K3tog] 3 times—3 sts. Next Row: Purl. Last Row: K3tog. Bind off. Fasten off, leaving a long tail.

Finishing the Hat:

  1. Use long tail to sew side edges of hat together for back seam. Weave in ends.
  2. Pompom: With B, make a 1¾ (2)” (4.5 (5) cm) pompom. Sew pompom to tip of hat.




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I'm such a slow knitter, I'd have to know as soon as the baby is conceived to have it ready for a 6 month old. :-)

I will definitely be making this for next Christmas. Makes me wish I had a baby to dress up like Santa. Cute, cute, cute!

Looks pretty cute. Would be fun to do for a little one.

Cute idea!

Adorable! For some reason, I can't see the comments to see if mine posted or not!


This is so cute! Mini Santa!

this is just totally adorable!!!

What a darling little outfit! that's an elf! How precious!

so cute

so so cute!!

Would love to make this for my charity knitting

This is absolutely adorable!

Such a cute outfit I think it would be fun to knit

what a darling outfit..

A picture of a baby? Always cute! Only made cuter by this Santa suit!!

Gorgeous another project I can do.

This is so adorable! My grandkids are too big for this, so I'll have to make it when another comes along. Love it!

This is very cute --too bad all my kids and grandkids are too big.

I hope to have a new niece or nephew to make this for in 2014, if not I will make one for charity. I'd never get it done on time this year with all the gifts I'm already crocheting. Absolutely adorable!

Cute - great for a donation to favorite charity

Oh man, this is adorable!

How cute. I would love pic's of my grand kids in this

Makes you want to have grandkids! So cute!

would love to make for my niece's little boy

I'll have a new grandchild for it next year

So vey cute :)

Maybe next year - it is really adorable

To cute love diy things like this!

If my son was younger I'd make this for him. I might just make it anyway.

So adorable. I would have loved to make this for my boys when they were younger.

Too cute

I wish I knew how to knit, too. This is so adorable!!

Too cute! This will be a future project for hopefully a future grandchild. I adore this!

way cute!

I don't like it. It makes more sense to have designed it as a pullover. The belt should be blended with metallic yarn to give it pop.

Very cute, but would be too hot for my great grandchild because she lives in Hawaii.

Just so cute!

I love this...wish I knew how to knit...just I will stick with

This is adorable! I would love to be able to make it.

This is absolutely adorable!!!! I would love to work on making 2 of them for my new grandbabies to be for 2014! (Baby Chloe is due first week of January and we do not know the sex of the new baby due in July, yet! :) )

Buna, mi-ati facut o bucurie cu acest costumas pentru copilasi. Am sa-l crosetez si eu pentru nepotelul meu de un an. Felicitari si mai astept si altele asa frumoase Corina Dorina Chirila

Very adorable!!!!!I would love to make this for my new granddaughter.

Love it! Would look adorable on my little cousin with his chubby, rosey cheeks! Happy Holidays to all!!

very cute!


It does look absolutley adorable to make.

I love this! So sweet!

This is so cute.

This is too adorable for words! Every little one should have their own Santa suit!

This is so cute! Almost makes me wish I had another baby so I could make it!

I am totally gonna modify this to try and make my doggy a Santa suit!!!

I am totally going to try and modify this to make a chihuahua Santa suit :)

Santa's love comes in many sizes.

I would love to make this for my grandson

Cool Santa suit!

I think it is a cute outfit. If I had someone to make it for I would love to make it.

Adorable, wish I had a little one to make it for!

I have this on my to do list for next year. I need to brush up more on my knitting before I attempt this beautiful outfit.

This is so cute! I love working with Red Heart yarns.

toooooo cute

Too cute!! Very nice lay out.

This is cute.

Its ok but I have seen kids in a lot cuter outfits that are knitted or crocheted

I would love to try this pattern next year the instructions are so clear and precise

I am so bummed I don't have enough time to make this for one of my little ones this year!

this is so cute! i must make for my nephew!

It's adorable. I can't wait to get started.

This is so cute.

Wow! That is so adorable I just started learning how to crochet (havent started on knitting yet) I really love this hobby so far so hopefully I can practice enough to get much better and be able to make things as cute as this :) Love ur blog!

What fun to find a 'FREE' pattern for this! Thanks. It looks great.


Totally adorable i wish i had a grandbaby to make it for

That is too adorable!

Looks so cute and simple, will work on it for next year now . I have a baby that is coming in January whose mommy might love it for 2014.

It looks really cute on the child, and he's not crying or trying to rip it off; so, it is all good!

I wish I had started knitting when my kids where little. This would have looked adorable on them.

What a beautiful outfit!! And my 5th grandchild was born today... could make this for her next year's Christmas!!

Oh my gosh, this is so cute! If only I could talk someone into giving me a grandbaby (one that doesn't have 4 paws) ;)

so cute! I love it!

Too cute, but too small for my grandson.

Fun project, wish I had a little one to make it for!

This is too cute!

What a cute project. Santa needs all the help he can get this time of year.

very cute. wishing there were a baby in my life i could craft it for.

This is so cute. I will make some for next year, time is running out for this year!

This is very cute. I have made a nice scarf I saw a pattern for and gave it to my cousin in law and finished a larger one for myself because I loved the pattern so much. With 4 month old, I'm not getting much time to start a new project, but I hope to make a hat to match soon.

very cute :)

It's so cute!

Looks very cute!

Super Cute! I will definitely make this suit when I have grandchildren!


This baby santa pattern is cute, maybe I can do this next year for my newest grandson if he doesnt get too big! :) My Dad passed away last June, and he was Santa Clause for many years and loved it, so this pattern is perfect to pass down to his great-grandkids. Thanks for the pattern! <3

What a cute outfit!

so cute! and looks great all made up too!

This is such an adorable suit! My granddaughter would look adorable in it! Thank you for the chance tow in such an amazing prize a package! Merry Christmas!

Where is the pattern for the pants??

I would love to make this for my son!

This is sooooo cute - It would make an adorable baby an adorable Santa!!!!

OMG! I have so many friends/relatives that this will look ADORABLE on!! Better get to sewing!!! son better have another baby soon so I can make this cute outfit!! :)

So cute. If I knew how to knit and had the time to do it... Kudos to all those who can make things like this. It's incredible.

Sooo cute!,,I love it

Would love to make this for my nephew...Sadly, I'm not sure I'm a fast enough knitter to have it done by Christmas!

This is adorable and I believe my great-granddaughter would probably rock the look (or in green as an elf?) but it's way too late in the season to consider now. And she'll be far too big next year...which is a shame! Still going to bookmark this just in case another precious bundle comes along!

This is so adorable, wish I had seen it earlier but it's already on my list for next year.

Wish there were a baby to make this for but will save for next christmas

Love it!

This so cute!!!! If only I had a baby in the family to make it for.

This is so cute! I sure wish I could knit.

This outfit is very cute. Can't wait to make it.

I learned to knit in high school and have not done much sense. This pattern is so cute I need to pull out my knitting needles and make it for a few of my friends that have little ones yet.

This is so cute. I don't think I am at the skill level to make it. Maybe by the time I have grandchildren.

This is so adorable! Don't have anyone I know with babies, but should make it in preparation for when they do!!

This is too adorable! Can't wait to get good enough at knitting to make something like this! I'll have to practice like crazy before we have our next baby ;)

This is such a darling suit! I don't have a little one this size to make for this year. But, will keep it in mind should there be one for next year!

This is 'TOO' adorable. Can it be transferred to crochet???

I currently have no babies in my universe. This would be a wonderful outfit (warm too) for a baby.

aDORAble!!!! gifts made by hand are so much more thoughtful than anything you can purchase!!

So cute! Will have to try it for next year!

This one looks so much better than those overpriced costumes they sell at places like Wal-mart. Good job.

I think I should take up knitting....this is adorable!

Very cute baby suit. Probably beyond my ability.

This is very cute and would be great for a photo shoot!

This is so cute!!!

This suit is very cute. I am afraid that at the speed I knit I would have had to started it before my child was a twinkle in my eye if they were to wear it before they would have outgrown it. Guess it would have been waiting for my first grandchild.

Very cute pattern.

This is an adorable outfit. I have not made it but if I had a little one I would love to make this for them. I have made scarfs and mittens but nothing more intensive yet.

This is so cute.

So adorable! Too bad that you can only use it for one season since they grow so fast, but on the bright side you can pass it on which is what the season is all about- giving to others.

Need to learn how to knit, going to have to teach myself again! Taught myself to crochet, guess I need to get busy with the knitting now maybe I can make this by next Christmas! :)

It's really cute!

Very cute. Maybe next year when a little bigger

adorable, my grandchildren would look cute in it.

Oh!!!! Cute!!!!!!! =)

this is completely adorable!

This is really cute!

Very adorable. Just so happens I have a couple of grand babys that would look soo cute in this outfit. Simple must make a couple of them.

Cute as can be. Can I get it done in time for Christmas? Hurry!!

This is SO cute!!

This is the cutest thing EVER!! I will be saving the pattern for my "someday" grandchildren!

so cute!

I LOVE THIS!! It is adorable and would look cute on any little girl or boy!

I'm keeping this pattern in mind for when I have my own little one to dress up.

This is so cute but do not have any little ones to make it for.

awww, so cute!! :)

Too cute of a baby Santa suit.....I only wish I had a grandbaby to make one for

This is too cute! No babies in the family...yet!

Looking forward to trying this for a grandbaby.

This little outfit is adorable. When I first saw it I thought I would have no one to make it for then I remembered that my niece is expecting a little boy in April 2014. This Santa outfit would be perfect for his first Christmas and it would give me a year to get it made! Now I'm really excited about much fun to look forward to!

We are expecting our 12th grandchild in a few months,but I'm not sure I could take on a whole outfit!

Cute outfit but a bit much for me to tackle

so cute I wish my babies would wear hats

Awe so cute.

Love the suit... but that smile really grabs me! What a cutie!

What a cute idea!

So adorable! Plan on making it!

I love this. Very cute.

I love this little outfit, it's too cute! Your website has been a huge inspiration to me with ideas and patterns. I'm a craft newbie and you guys make everything seem so easy to do! Thank you and merry Christmas!

Love it! A great idea for my grandkids.

I love the Santa Baby Suit kit, it's so festive and adorable. As a recent widow, I'm trying to keep in the holiday spirit. Thanks for the opportunity to win your Grand Prize! How exciting for a lucky someone. Good luck to all and Merry Christmas, too!

Pattern reads really well, I think it could be done in green and used for St Patricks Day!!!

Very cute!

That is so adorable, makes me wish my grandchildren were babies again.

Very cute,to bad I don't have any babies to make it for.

Love it! Wish I had little ones at home to make it for.

Sewing AND knitting! I love it!

That is just precious and every young child should have one, csnt wait to try making one.

I love this pattern to make for my new grandson born on Nov 8. Thank you for sharing.

Really cute. I'd have to make it in crochet.

so precious, definitely making one for the next person that has a baby

Cute but I have no little ones to make it for.

very cute, and it looks easy to make.

I have two little grandsons...may I should make them both a set!

This is so adorable! It makes me want another little baby just so I can make it for them!

I wish I could knit! My little man would be so cute in this.

OMG this is soo cute!

I would totally make this for my niece or nephew, when he or she is born next year.

My 3 year old stepson would be sooooo cute in this!

Cute, I could see making this for friends kids.

This is so adorable! Would look so cute on my little grandson!!

Very cute. I have a 9 month old great grand child that sure would look cute in this.

So, so cute.

ADORABLE! Now I just need to find someone's baby so that I can make this!

this is one of the cutest suits that I have seen!! I have this on my to make list for the next person I know who has a baby!

Cute! I can see my son in this when he was at that age-he would have been so cute-I can hear him now, oh mom!


How absolutely adorable! If I didn't have arthritis, I'd attempt to make this for my friends grandson - maybe next year?! ;-)

Great suit..........would make all little Santa's a hit!!!!

Absolutely adorable!

This is such a cute pattern! I would love to make it for my little nephew


I have a little red head that would look adorable in this!

This is so adorable! I wish my grandchildren were still that size, I would make them one each, they would look so cute!

Super cute outfit!

adorable! would love to knit this!

I love red heart and their cute lovely patterns! I love how they have been sending holiday ones in email!

such a cute pattern!

Such an adorable outfit! No grandchildren at this time - but maybe some day!?!? :)

So cute!

What a cute outfit.

This santa suit is just adorable! Would be perfect for a photographer to have on hand for holiday pictures!

This is just too adorable!!!

I have four grandchildren under the age of 4 and they would look amazing in this suit. I've made a Santa suit for one of our town's organizations and had a blast making it. It would be amazing to make them for my grandchildren.

This is adorable I can't wait to make it.

Cuter than cute! Learning to knit is on my todo list right after the holiday crochet gifts are done. your link to the blog for this does not work (Not Found, Error 404, Not fair I can't leave comment. Maybe??? this is where I'm supposed to comment? If so, great. If not, guess I out of luck! :(

This is adorable!

This is too stinkin' cute! Now that I have the pattern...I will be making one! There are always cute patterns for girly things...this is a great one for baby boys! Thank you!

I don't think there is enough time to finish this before Christmas, but that doesn't mean I couldn't start it (early) for next year! It's so stinking cute!

Makes me wish I had a little one to make this for

makes me wish I had a baby

I don't know how to knit but I can crochet!!

so adorable. if i had a little one in my life that small i would totally make one

i would love to learn to knit someday

Very very adorable!!!


So wish I knew how to knit. Would make this for my grandson' s first Christmas! :-)

Love it!

Very cute!

What a cute way of reinventing the phrase "Santa Baby". Also can be passed down to younger children and the next generation.

Baby stuff is cool even can use on stuffed dolls!!!

Really cute,

I would love to make one of these each year to put under the Jesse Tree at church, or give to the Pregnancy Aid Center. Red Heart has some other really cute Christmas themed baby clothing at their site, too - anybody else seen it?

This is a very cute outfit!

Oh my! Cute!

This is so adorable for a baby!! Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!! God Bless!:)

just need to steal a baby

Love it. Red Heart has some awesome patterns.

Too cute, too bad I cant knit

This is absolutely adorable, makes me wish my grandchildren were much younger. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays Sandy in Montana

Very cute!!

So adorable :) makes me wish my toddler was a baby all over again just so I'd have a reason to make it!!!!

i will be making this for my new grandchild 1st christmas next year

What a cute suit.


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