
Recycle Plastic Bottles to Decor Items

By: zina z from
Recycle Plastic Bottles to Decor Items

"Craft for kids Recycle Plastic Bottles to Decor Items! Upcycle plastic bottles and straws to create beautiful wind catchers, planters, candle holders! An amazing way to learn about the recycle and of course how to replace the plastic items with glass or paper! Colors and fantasy! It is always good to learn new things or to remind what you already know. Recycle is one of them. Trendy and mandatory. A few plastic bottlers was the opportunity to discuss with the kids about recycle and how bad is plastic bottles and items doing on the nature. How we can replace plastic with glass or paper and how to not make any rubbish. It was also a good opportunity to do some crafting!"

Materials List

  • plastic bottles and drinking straws
    acrylic paint in various shades
    paint brush
    optionally: ribbons, beads

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