How to Wrap a Gift
Every year we wrap countless gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and more. But, there is one time of year that knowing how to wrap a present is key, Christmas time, of course! This holiday season make sure that your gifts are the most impressive under the tree with a few easy, proven steps. Have you always had trouble getting a smooth, wrapped finish? With a bit of practice this simplistic tutorial will help you wrap the perfect Christmas present. All you'll need is a bow to top it off and your work will be flawless.
What You Need to Wrap a Gift:
- Large work space
- Scissors
- Transparent tape
- Wrapping paper
- Gift box
- Gift
How to Wrap a Gift:
- First, be sure that you have enough work space. Then, place you gift in your gift box.
- Roll out the wrapping paper and place your boxed gift on top. Be sure you have enough paper to fit around the entire present and begin cutting.
- Once the paper is cut, place your gift face down in the middle of the paper.
- Bring paper from the long side of the box up to the middle of your gift. Then pull the other side tightly so that the paper hugs it smoothly. Tape closed.
- Next close the ends. To do so, face the open end towards you and fold the right and left edges, pushing the sides in next to your box, to form flaps.
- Fold top flap down to the box, pulling tightly, and tape. Fold the bottom flap up tightly and tape. Repeat on other side of package.
Note: Use your scissors to trim either flap if you have excess paper.
- Position your box so that the top is facing up. Run your thumb and forefinger across the edges of the box to create a creased edge.
- Repeat on bottom of the box to finish.
There are so many different methods when it comes to wrapping a gift, but this classic combination is always a go-to option. Take a look at some of the other gift wrap ideas that we have below. You may be surprised by how many different ways you can learn how to wrap a gift!
Creative Christmas Wrapping Ideas
- Mason Jar Gift Wrap
- Reusable Fabric Gift Card Holders
- Double Duty Gift Wrapping
- Winter Wine Gift Wrap
- Name Your Gift Wrap
- 6 Ways To Use 3-D Paint
- Stitched Gift Wrap
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